Title: Clea Gaultier, Romy Indy – To Serve You Info: Genre: Dorcel Club, DorcelClub, Clea Gaultier, Romy Indy, Teen, French Romy has to accomplish a new mission by going to Tommy’s house, the son of a big boss of a big surveillance company. While she is about to finish her mission, she is surprised by Clea, Tommy’s wife. This one keeps silence near her husband, but asks the young woman to undress and to serve them champagne. Then begins a game with three in which Romy takes pleasure…. Video: AVC, 1920×1080, 25.000 FPS, 4000 kb/s Audio: AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 128 kb/s Duration: 00:39:04 Format: mp4 Size: 1.12 GB
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