Title: Desert Heat (2014) Info: Every year, college students head to a deserted motel, for a week of partying and shameless hookups as a break from finals. Stevie Shae plans to fo the same with her boyfriend and 3 other couples. Desert Heat is a sexy and enthralling look into these couples’ week long tradition of much needed release and hardcore sex. Luttle do they know, killer Tommy Gunn is on the hunt and the couples face fear as they’ve never known it. Death lingers upon them while the crazy killed murders one person at a time. Category: Feature, All Sex Starring: Courtney Taylor, Stevie Shae, Riley Reid, Kendall Karson, Leya Falcon, Rikki Six Language: English Size: 1.40 GB Length: 01:57:45 Format: MP4 Video: 854×480
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