Title: Freya Parker, Jewell Marceau – Lonely Lunchtime Info: Genre: Mommy’s Girl, Mommy’sGirl, Freya Parker, Jewell Marceau, Lesbo Since Jewell Marceau’s stepdaughter, Freya Parker, forgot her lunch at home, Jewell goes to Freya’s high school to deliver it to her at lunchtime. Jewell’s taken aback, however, when she finds Freya all alone in an empty classroom. That’s when Jewell learns that Freya has been spending her lunches alone lately since the other students have been bullying her after she came out as a lesbian. Video: AVC, 1920×1080, 23.976 FPS, 5320 kb/s Audio: AAC LC , 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 192 kb/s Duration: 00:35:26 Format: mp4 Size: 1.37 GB
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