Title: Josy Black – Live, Laugh, Lust! Info: Genre: Lustery, Josy Black After nine years together, Josy Black Michel Black know the secret to a happy, horny relationship live, laugh, lust! Not a day goes by without us experiencing something exciting, say the porn pro pair. In this case, documenting their personal sex lives and filming porn in the privacy of their own bedroom for the very first time. Their Lustery debut is raw, unscripted, deeply intimate and filled with playful moments as well as all their favorite sex acts think blowjobs with lingering eye contact, deep missionary position pounding and dizzyingly hot doggy-style fucking that gives Michel unparalleled views of Josys juicy ass, and a drenching cum shot worthy of a long and laughter-filled cleanup. Video: h264, 1920×1080, 25 FPS, 3735 kb/s Audio: aac, 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 129.446 kb/s Duration: 00:46:47 Format: mp4 Size: 1.27 GB