Title: Kate Kravets – Breaking into the Adult Industry Sc2 Info: Genre: Life Selector, LifeSelector, Kate Kravets One day your girlfriend, Kate, wakes up with an unusual but splendid idea. She wants to earn money with her body. She wants to be an adult star. She would masturbate in front of the camera and if you are partner with it, she would do naughty things with your body. This is an offer which is hard to refuse, considering what exciting things she have in mind. But what will you do to help her? Video: h264, 1920×1080, 30.0 FPS, 7314 kb/s Audio: aac, 44.1 kHz, 2 channels, 125.032 kb/s Duration: 00:16:26 Format: mp4 Size: 875.02 MB
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