Title: Myra Moans – Redhead Hops On Her Friend’s Daddy Info: Genre: My Daughter’s Hot Friend, MyDaughter’sHotFriend, Myra Moans Ryan Mclane stops by the dorm to surprise his daughter, but it turns out that his daughter is out of town. His daughter’s friend, Myra Moans, finds out about this and invites Ryan to hang out in her dorm for a bit. While there Myra confesses that she doesn’t like any of the boys on campus because she prefers more mature men. That’s when she makes her move on Ryan. While Ryan is hesitant to bang his daughter’s friend at first, he just can’t keep his hands off of her once he see’s her start playing with her pretty pussy. Video: h264, 1920×1080, 24.0 FPS, 6000 kb/s Audio: aac, 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 317.372 kb/s Duration: 00:36:16 Format: mp4 Size: 1.6 GB
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