Title: Olli – Vietnam Lake Love Info: Genre: Hegre Art, HegreArt, Olli, Young Voyeur Delight Below The SunOur Russian couple Ivan and Olli is on it again and this time they let all their sexual passion break loose by the banks of a remote Vietnamese lake.IVAN AND OLLIE are unable to walk for long before they are overwhelmed by sexual desires. So an idyllic hike along a remote Vietnamese lake soon turns out to become a passionate and uninhibited hour of outdoor sex. And once the fire is lit, theres no turning back…Ivan and Ollis sexual activities may break all the rules of decency i Vietnam, but they certainly have a good time by the lake. As will you. Video: h264, 1920×1080, 25 FPS, 7003 kb/s Audio: aac, 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 192.0 kb/s Duration: 00:19:02 Format: mp4 Size: 980.18 MB
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