Title: Sakura Kirishima – Enjoy A GF Experience Info: Genre: Japan HDV, JapanHDV, Sakura Kirishima Have you ever dreamed of having a curvy Japanese girlfriend with massive natural tits? Well, that dream is about to come through in a porn way, with this new GF experience scene that you will enjoy in POV. We filmed this scene in a way that will make you feel like you are taking Sakura Kirishima out on a date. But before there, she gets naughty with you in the car. There is no better AV Idol to offer you a girlfriend experience. She has one of the most marvelous tits, and we all know that every man dreams of having a girlfriend with big natural jugs…She also has such a cute face and she knows how to act feminine, even though there is a lot of lust between those beautiful eyes. In this scene, you will enjoy the sexual tension between her and any man who would be in the same car with her. And as you sit there in the car, the best thing will happen. She will let you play with her tits. Thats what every man who sees her has in mind. She lifts up her top and presents you with a pair of massive jugs tightened in a DD cup bra. She lets you take them out to see those hard pointy nipples. And she even spreads her legs to show you her panties. More than that, she takes a toy onto her clit to make herself wet and she is cool enough to pull the panties to the side and reveal her pussy to you. Like that wasnt so much fun, she even pulls down your pants and starts sucking on your cock while youre stationed in public parking. Who wouldnt love a girlfriend like this? Enjoy this immersive and intimate porn experience with Sakura Kirishima. Video: h264, 1920×1080, 60.0 FPS, 8000 kb/s Audio: aac, 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 128.205 kb/s Duration: 00:21:30 Format: mp4 Size: 1.22 GB
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