Title: Salo Armani – Blue-Eyed Bad Boy Info: Genre: Hot Guys Fuck, HotGuysFuck, Salo Armani In this steamy scene, Mac Lawler, the handsome and charismatic bad boy, makes his rimming debut with the sultry and experienced Salo Armani. As they get cozy in a dimly lit room, their chemistry is palpable as Mac submits to Salo’s expert tongue, giving him an unforgettable first-time experience. With Salo’s skilled touch, Mac can’t help but moan in pleasure as he succumbs to the sensation of his partner’s lips and tongue. This erotic encounter promises to leave viewers eager for more from these two stunning performers. Video: h264, 1920×1080, 30.0 FPS, 5009 kb/s Audio: aac, 48.0 kHz, 2 channels, 128.533 kb/s Duration: 00:24:43 Format: mp4 Size: 910.16 MB
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