Title: Stranded At School During Storm (2020) Info: Country: Japan Genre: Asian, Japanese, Slender, Teacher, Mature, JAV, Cheating Wife, Beautiful Girl, Hairy, Hi-Def Duration: 01:38:08 Language: Japanese Cast: Natsume Iroha Married lady Iroha Natsume (Sarasa Hara) who plays a sexy high school teacher who gets stranded at school during a storm and banged by a horny student. Initially she doesnt want to get banged, but notices that this student has super sexual stamina. Veteran actress Iroha probably has the best looking slender body actress in the industry. [ADN-274] On The Night Of The Typhoon, I Was Stranded At School, Together With A S*****t, And We Were Alone, Together… Iroha Natsume Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 1280×720 30fps 2500kbps Audio: AAC 44100Hz stereo 128kbps Size: 1.70 GB
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