Title: The Beauty Pageant (1981)

Genre: All sex, Classic, Retro, Classic, Vintage, Teens Mature
Duration: 01:10:56
Director: Stephen Philips / Stephen Philips
Cast: Nancy Suiter, Rita Starling, Bobbi Boobes, Mary Mufkins, Nancy Hoffman, Ken Roxhoff, Sam Grady, TT Bounz, Mike Nummknutz, BZ Tung, Han Chob, Lim Prist, I. Hoohoo
The girls came to the competition to award prizes for the best magazine cover photo for “adult” , not only waiting for the jury’s decision, but also having fun as an adult.
Video: MPEG4 Video (H264) 622×472 29.97fps 2640kbps
Audio: AAC 48000Hz stereo 192kbps
Size: 1.31 GB

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